Found out Saturday that my grandma has cancer. She had these bumps on her face and had them checked out. They were all cancerous but one of them grew roots and spread. Now her options are either radiation therapy or surgery. But I'd they do surgery and don't get all the cancer then it will spread even more. I honestly don't think she'll want to do anything about it. Mom called and told me. She can't remember what it's called. I had the privilege of telling some of my brothers. First I texted my uncle to make sure Chris was doing ok. I didn't want to tell him if he was having one of his dark days. So then I call and tell him. He hasn't seen her in about 7 years so I don't really know how he felt about it. Then I called Tony to tell him and he was getting ready for prom. I told him to have fun and take lots of pictures. I will tell him in a few days. I didn't want that in his mind while he was supposed to be having fun.
When mom told me, I tried so hard not to cry while I was on the phone. We talked a bit but when we got off the phone, I lost it. Hubby called his mom to come pick up Zach so I could have some alone time and make phone calls. It's just unbelievable, ya know? I don't know how bad it is or anything either.
Bought Zach a Mickey mouse potty seat and I sat him on it. He liked it. I'm glad he wasn't scared of it. So we will start potty training now. Awesome thing for today is **pullups** they make potty training a little bit easier.
Sunday we went to look at a house that isn't even listed for sale. I fell in love. It has so much space and the layout is great. The yard is huge and mostly fenced in. There's a few trees for nice shade. Here some pics from this weekend. They aren't in order. I'm still figuring out how to use this app.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
We found another house that we are probably going to try to get. It's not even listed and there's no sign in the yard. Hubbys moms best friends daughter was going to buy the house but changed her mind just a few weeks ago. So we tried to snag it up. We haven't seen the inside yet but I'm sure we will go for it. The guy told us it needs just a little work done to it and has an unfinished basement. Huge front yard but barely a back yard. Brick house with 2 car garage. Hubby's really excited about it. I'm not in love with the house yet, I need to see the inside. We will probably get to do that tomorrow.
Zach had a doc appointment Friday. He weighs 28.5 pounds and is 35 inches tall. My big boy. He's in the 95 percentile for his age.
Lilly has a game today. She's been doing great but she can't show the coach all she can do. The coach has been keeping her in the outfield. Only her daughter and her friends play infield. Her daughter and her beat friend alternate first base and pitchers mound. Even though the coach said every player will play every position so they can learn. Yeah. I'm requesting to not have her next year.
So here's a few pics of the kids. Zach being silly at the docs office and then Lilly biting into a pickle. It was kinda funny. My awesome thing for today is **rainy days** a little rain never hurt anyone and it's fun to play in. Jumping in puddles is fun for all ages. Or its just a nice day to stay inside and relax. It's been raining here a lot lately. 2 of Lilly's games have been canceled due to rain and it's raining again today.
Zach had a doc appointment Friday. He weighs 28.5 pounds and is 35 inches tall. My big boy. He's in the 95 percentile for his age.
Lilly has a game today. She's been doing great but she can't show the coach all she can do. The coach has been keeping her in the outfield. Only her daughter and her friends play infield. Her daughter and her beat friend alternate first base and pitchers mound. Even though the coach said every player will play every position so they can learn. Yeah. I'm requesting to not have her next year.
So here's a few pics of the kids. Zach being silly at the docs office and then Lilly biting into a pickle. It was kinda funny. My awesome thing for today is **rainy days** a little rain never hurt anyone and it's fun to play in. Jumping in puddles is fun for all ages. Or its just a nice day to stay inside and relax. It's been raining here a lot lately. 2 of Lilly's games have been canceled due to rain and it's raining again today.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
With the help of Draw Something, I have gotten back in touch with an old friend I haven't talked to since graduation. We were best friends until about 7 th grade but still stayed friends. It's so great to talk to her again. She has a little girl Zachs age and is married. It's crazy that we haven't talked in so long.
My awesome thing today is simply going to be ** friends** they are always there for u. Even when you disagree they understand. Sometimes they know you better than you know yourself. I haven't really had that many friends since I've been out of school but I love and cherish the ones I do have. I've been slowly broadening my friends circle lately. I went years with just my BFF, Cj and really no one else but hubby. I didn't mind. But then Cj moved and moved and kept moving further and further away. I only get to see her a couple times a year now. I'm in no way trying to or am I ever going to replace her but it would be nice to have girls my age to hang out with while she's away. I've gotten back in touch with 2 so far that have kids Zachs age, so that's nice.
My awesome thing today is simply going to be ** friends** they are always there for u. Even when you disagree they understand. Sometimes they know you better than you know yourself. I haven't really had that many friends since I've been out of school but I love and cherish the ones I do have. I've been slowly broadening my friends circle lately. I went years with just my BFF, Cj and really no one else but hubby. I didn't mind. But then Cj moved and moved and kept moving further and further away. I only get to see her a couple times a year now. I'm in no way trying to or am I ever going to replace her but it would be nice to have girls my age to hang out with while she's away. I've gotten back in touch with 2 so far that have kids Zachs age, so that's nice.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I'm back again
I finally have a smart phone and because of that I can post to both my blogs now. Woohoo for the blogger app!
So yesterday Zach became quite attached to a blanket. So much that he took it to day care with him. Anytime I tried to take it away, he cried. Today though, he seems to have forgotten about it. I will have a pic At the end.
Lilly had a game Saturday but we got rained out after 2 innings. Then she wanted to spend the night with hubby's mom, so we let her.
I'm sick again. I've been coughing like crazy and am losing my voice. Didn't I just go through this a few weeks ago?
My awesome thing for today is **apps** because without them I couldn't update my blogs and keep spreading the happy on my smile blog.
So yesterday Zach became quite attached to a blanket. So much that he took it to day care with him. Anytime I tried to take it away, he cried. Today though, he seems to have forgotten about it. I will have a pic At the end.
Lilly had a game Saturday but we got rained out after 2 innings. Then she wanted to spend the night with hubby's mom, so we let her.
I'm sick again. I've been coughing like crazy and am losing my voice. Didn't I just go through this a few weeks ago?
My awesome thing for today is **apps** because without them I couldn't update my blogs and keep spreading the happy on my smile blog.
Friday, April 20, 2012
No pictures
Blogger has upgraded to a new version that isn't supported by my browser, but I am unable to upgrade because I don't have the ability to. This is a work computer, they have to do it. I don't own a personal computer. So... I can only write. I cannot post pictures. I had some cute ones of the circus too. But you can still check out the pics on
We were rushed trying to get to the circus. We thought we were going to be late. We made it just in time. Zach had his own seat and sat in it for about the first 20 minutes before he was done with that. He watched, he clapped, he danced until about intermission. Lilly was having a blast. She was yelling and clapping and she loved that I snuck in some McDonalds chicken nuggest for them to eat. After intermission, Zach was ready to go home. It was way past his bedtime. I took him out of the main area to get him away from the noise and we walked around for a bit. I tried rocking him, singing to him... but he just wouldn't go to sleep. It was too noisy. Finally, at 10 pm it was over and we rushed to the car and was the second car out of the parking garage. Both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home.
Yesterday I spent the better part of my work day on commenting and reading and reflecting on the past 4 years. I hardly did any work and was probably flagged for being on the internet too much. It was worth it. As I continue to relive those years I want to mention **Optimism** for my awesome thing of the day. The awesome blog was full of optimism and brought a lot of optimistic people together for some great times. Generosity, love, happiness is what this world is all about. Let's try to let everyone see it that way.
Lilly has practice today and a game tomorrow. I have a neck cramp today. I spent most of the night on the couch. I fell asleep there watching tv then again with Zach laying on me. I spent maybe an hour in my own bed.
Soon, I am going to ready to get a new phone. I was leaning toward an Android, but now I'm thinking about an iphone. Any suggestions? Which do you have? What are some pros and cons of your phone? Would I be able to post on my blogs from these phones with pictures? I really need to know. Someone please let me know.
We were rushed trying to get to the circus. We thought we were going to be late. We made it just in time. Zach had his own seat and sat in it for about the first 20 minutes before he was done with that. He watched, he clapped, he danced until about intermission. Lilly was having a blast. She was yelling and clapping and she loved that I snuck in some McDonalds chicken nuggest for them to eat. After intermission, Zach was ready to go home. It was way past his bedtime. I took him out of the main area to get him away from the noise and we walked around for a bit. I tried rocking him, singing to him... but he just wouldn't go to sleep. It was too noisy. Finally, at 10 pm it was over and we rushed to the car and was the second car out of the parking garage. Both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home.
Yesterday I spent the better part of my work day on commenting and reading and reflecting on the past 4 years. I hardly did any work and was probably flagged for being on the internet too much. It was worth it. As I continue to relive those years I want to mention **Optimism** for my awesome thing of the day. The awesome blog was full of optimism and brought a lot of optimistic people together for some great times. Generosity, love, happiness is what this world is all about. Let's try to let everyone see it that way.
Lilly has practice today and a game tomorrow. I have a neck cramp today. I spent most of the night on the couch. I fell asleep there watching tv then again with Zach laying on me. I spent maybe an hour in my own bed.
Soon, I am going to ready to get a new phone. I was leaning toward an Android, but now I'm thinking about an iphone. Any suggestions? Which do you have? What are some pros and cons of your phone? Would I be able to post on my blogs from these phones with pictures? I really need to know. Someone please let me know.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
For Neil
I will post about taking the kids to the circus tomorrow along with a few pics, but I wanted to take today to say a few things. This is the exact same thing that I posted over on my other blog
So, I want to take today to honor the man to inspired me to start this blog. Neil Pasricha, the man behind and the author of The Book of Awesome, The Book of (Even More) Awesome, The Book of (Holiday) Awesome and the 2012 Calendar of Awesome. I use my blog to help spread the happy and I like to, from time to time, put up articles of people that are doing just that-spreading the happy. Well... today, I don't have an article, even though Mr. Pasricha has been in many. I want to write my own little something for him instead of featuring an article.
For the past 4 years, Neil has diligently posted an awesome thing every week day. It ranges from your favorite pair of underwear to ducks to a stranger helping you parallel park to snow days to crying to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel to the perfect milk to cereal ratio to high fiving babies to school science projects to illegal naps to seeing an old couple holding hands and many more. Many times Neil has mad me laugh and many times he's made me cry. Every day he's made me think about the things that he posts and it makes me realize that there is a little bit of awesome everywhere. Sadly, his countdown reached 1000 today. When I got to his blog to see what #1 could be, I opened the page to over 200 comments already and the post Anything you want it to be. What a very fitting ending to such a wonderful blog.
Neil has helped many people in hard times. He's helped them open their eyes to the little joys life brings us all and the realization that they are not alone. Most of us grew up playing on dangerous playground equipment and find a bit of comfort in ugly actors, fat baseball players and yellow teeth. I learned that there is a such thing as ordering off the menu, ya know... when you order something that isn't actually listed on the menu at a restaurant...
He has given me my morning dose of happiness for 4 years and I'm sad to see it end. Its been so much fun going on his blog and sharing stories with the other commenters. We are all a part of the awesome community. Without Neil, I wouldn't have gotten to know these wonderful people and their stories. We wouldn't have gotten to joke around and share our undying love for Nutella. Neil's even tricked us a few times on April Fool's Day with things like when you're drowning and then a dolphin comes to your rescue and when you're being chased by zombies and suddenly find a hidden stash of guns and ammo. And then on April 1, 2011 between posts 276 and 275 he didn't really post anything... just said this, "Hi everyone,It’s been a great few years but we finally ran out of awesome things.Thanks so much for reading.Neil" With a link to April Fool's Day wiki page. He's been
He's been fun to 'hang out' with and its been great getting a view into his own life. He's talked to us about that teacher, sisters, hanging out with your mom, your mom's love, dads, and his own hardships. He's shared his life with us. We shared ours with him. I feel like I really know him and most of the people that comment on there. We are kind of like a family. One very awesome family.
Many people have thanked Neil for what he's done, many people are grateful to have stumbled across his blog. I know I am. I can't remember how I found it, but I am sooo glad that I did. No words can express my joy and my gratitude and my admiration for Neil and his awesome movement. I feel like I am forever in debt to this man. He's helped me put the past behind me and appreciate today. I've let bad feelings melt away and I love myself more today than I did 4 years ago. Through this change that I've experienced in myself because of Neil, my marriage is stronger and my love for my children are greater than I could have ever imagined. I know some of you might think that is silly, but in order to love others to the fullest, you must first love yourself.
So Neil... I just wanted you to know that every time I am typing in my user name and password at the speed of light, or when the thing I was going to buy is already on sale, or whenever I have rain hair, or taking illegal naps, I will always think of you and the joy that you brought to my life. I hope you enjoy that you finally got to cross off the last item on your list. I am looking forward to seeing more works from you and I hope you keep finding awesome things... I know I will.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Play Ball!!
I'm driving hubby's uncles car today. Its weird. After driving my Blazer for almost a year, I'm driving a car that rides low to the ground. I feel like my butt is dragging the road. I let him take my car to get inspected so I can be legal again. I get my car back later today.
Lilly's first official softball game was yesterday. She did great. She was the first one to score on her team, she was running fast and getting that ball.....but in the last inning, she struck out for the very first time. She never even struck out during practice. She came to me crying. I told her its not going to be the last time and everyone strikes out. I ended up calming her down and getting her laughing before I sent her back to the dug-out. Which just happens to be my awesome thing of the day **Striking out** because everyone's gotta learn that its ok not to be the best as long as you try your best. Here's a pic of Lilly on third base. I can't get a pic of her anywhere else since the zoom on my phone sucks.
Lilly's first official softball game was yesterday. She did great. She was the first one to score on her team, she was running fast and getting that ball.....but in the last inning, she struck out for the very first time. She never even struck out during practice. She came to me crying. I told her its not going to be the last time and everyone strikes out. I ended up calming her down and getting her laughing before I sent her back to the dug-out. Which just happens to be my awesome thing of the day **Striking out** because everyone's gotta learn that its ok not to be the best as long as you try your best. Here's a pic of Lilly on third base. I can't get a pic of her anywhere else since the zoom on my phone sucks.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Happy Monday
I don't know if I mentioned this on here before, but I'm going to tell you all about it now. Back in August or so, I started driving my mother-in-law's car. We were selling my car and she was giving us hers. We switched at a great time. The inspection sticker on my car had just ran out and hers was good until the next year. And that's what I kept telling myself. "I have until January of next year before I have to get my car inspected." Well... that January came and went and for some reason, I kept thinking I still had a year on it even though it clearly reads, "01/12" Yeah.... I don't know what happened there. My brain was just seeing what it wanted to. Hubby didn't even notice. My grandma pointed it out to me the day before Easter. Here I am, 4 months driving around with an expired inspection sticker, driving past cops twice a day to get to and from work....
Friday, I finally went to get my car checked out, and it failed. Some little things, hubby fixed it yesterday. I just thought it was really funny.
On Friday the Little League was having a....thing.... where all the teams were introduced and then the coaches had a game between each other. Lilly got to wear her uniform for the first time. It looks good. I'll put a picture at the end of my post.
Saturday, I took Zach into town and we went to Bark for Life. Its kinda like Relay but with dogs. We have contests and events for the dogs and we raise money. The dog that had survived prostate cancer won the contest to be our spokes dog for next year. There was a dog there that had survived breast cancer too. But this wasn't an even just for dogs with cancer. It was to celebrate our companions in our times of need. Zach had a blast. He had to go around and say hi to every dog. He would grab their face and just giggle. They would kiss and slobber all over him and he's squeal... then he was off to the next dog. When he was being too rough with the little ones, I told him to 'give the dog some wubbins' and he'd bend down and hug them. It was so cute. I'll post a picture of him at the end too. **Pets** are my awesome thing for today. They love us no matter what. As long as we treat them right, they'll be there. They are kids best friends, someone to play with, someone to lay around and be lazy with... they are part of the family.
Sunday was kinda boring. Hubby took Zach to his mom's while he worked on my car. It was only supposed to take a few hours, but it ended up taking all day. I was so bored at home. I cleaned. I folded clothes. I watched tv. I texted a few people. I watched more tv. I took a little nap. I watched more tv. I went for a little walk. I watched more tv. It was supposed to be relaxing, but I was just bored out of my mind. I was fine for a few hours. I was enjoying my alone time, but it only lasted a few hours before the boredom set in.
I get Lilly back today and she has a game. Its gonna be hot. I'm taking Zach to hubby's mom so he can be in some air conditioning and I can keep my eye on Lilly. Hubby has his meeting at the fire station today so he can't go to the game.
Anyways........................................ here's the pics.
Friday, I finally went to get my car checked out, and it failed. Some little things, hubby fixed it yesterday. I just thought it was really funny.
On Friday the Little League was having a....thing.... where all the teams were introduced and then the coaches had a game between each other. Lilly got to wear her uniform for the first time. It looks good. I'll put a picture at the end of my post.
Saturday, I took Zach into town and we went to Bark for Life. Its kinda like Relay but with dogs. We have contests and events for the dogs and we raise money. The dog that had survived prostate cancer won the contest to be our spokes dog for next year. There was a dog there that had survived breast cancer too. But this wasn't an even just for dogs with cancer. It was to celebrate our companions in our times of need. Zach had a blast. He had to go around and say hi to every dog. He would grab their face and just giggle. They would kiss and slobber all over him and he's squeal... then he was off to the next dog. When he was being too rough with the little ones, I told him to 'give the dog some wubbins' and he'd bend down and hug them. It was so cute. I'll post a picture of him at the end too. **Pets** are my awesome thing for today. They love us no matter what. As long as we treat them right, they'll be there. They are kids best friends, someone to play with, someone to lay around and be lazy with... they are part of the family.
Sunday was kinda boring. Hubby took Zach to his mom's while he worked on my car. It was only supposed to take a few hours, but it ended up taking all day. I was so bored at home. I cleaned. I folded clothes. I watched tv. I texted a few people. I watched more tv. I took a little nap. I watched more tv. I went for a little walk. I watched more tv. It was supposed to be relaxing, but I was just bored out of my mind. I was fine for a few hours. I was enjoying my alone time, but it only lasted a few hours before the boredom set in.
I get Lilly back today and she has a game. Its gonna be hot. I'm taking Zach to hubby's mom so he can be in some air conditioning and I can keep my eye on Lilly. Hubby has his meeting at the fire station today so he can't go to the game.
Anyways........................................ here's the pics.
Friday, April 13, 2012
My bros
Anyone ever play a prank on a younger sibling? Nothing that caused them physical harm or anything like that.
I remember one that me and Chris played on Tony.. for those of you who don't remember, Chris is the brother right above me and Tony is the brother right below me. Chris is 3 years older than me, Tony 7 years younger. My mom and step dad were gone, it was just us 3 and another younger brother Seth at the house. I think Tony must've been 3 maybe 5 at the time. Me and Chris started acting like we didn't know Tony and kept asking him why he was in our house. At first Tony thought it was funny, but we kept on. After a while, Tony went into his room, grabbed one red shirt and a few toys and went outside behind the house and cried. At this point, it was time to quit. I went to him, laughing of course, and told him we were just joking. And then seeing what he had packed just cracked me up even more. Chris was rolling on the ground from laughing. Tony was mad for a bit, but quickly got over it. It was a funny/sad/funny situation.
I hold so many memories of my brothers. Tony getting bit by a dog, Seth falling in the creek, Chris 'running away', Josh and his imaginary friends-Raz and Shaz, Donavan breaking his collar bone, Seth hitting Tony in the head with a cane making him get stitches, Chris falling on the porch and taking a lot of skin off his leg, Me and Chris riding bikes around the house so much there's no grass, Tony taking a big bite of mayo when I told him it was icing, Tony melting crayons in his hands, Seth getting stuck in a toy dump truck, Josh and his 'talking tree', Donavan basically living off Cheetos for week, Chris burning his hand after taking a baking pan out of the oven using his bare hands, Donavan and Seth's big bike wreck where they collided into each other, Tony needing his legs rubbed at night to be able to fall asleep, mine and Chris' big fight where we went to punch each other and hit our fists together instead, late night poker games with Josh and Chris, Donavan stuffing the cats in our mailbox, Seth's good hiding spot in the closet making everyone worry..... its been fun, crazy, dramatic, horrible, sad, and wonderful. **Childhood memories** are my awesome thing for today. No matter how bad things got, we still had some fun. Out of all the bad that went on during my childhood, I still managed to collect a lot of great memories with my brothers.
I remember one that me and Chris played on Tony.. for those of you who don't remember, Chris is the brother right above me and Tony is the brother right below me. Chris is 3 years older than me, Tony 7 years younger. My mom and step dad were gone, it was just us 3 and another younger brother Seth at the house. I think Tony must've been 3 maybe 5 at the time. Me and Chris started acting like we didn't know Tony and kept asking him why he was in our house. At first Tony thought it was funny, but we kept on. After a while, Tony went into his room, grabbed one red shirt and a few toys and went outside behind the house and cried. At this point, it was time to quit. I went to him, laughing of course, and told him we were just joking. And then seeing what he had packed just cracked me up even more. Chris was rolling on the ground from laughing. Tony was mad for a bit, but quickly got over it. It was a funny/sad/funny situation.
I hold so many memories of my brothers. Tony getting bit by a dog, Seth falling in the creek, Chris 'running away', Josh and his imaginary friends-Raz and Shaz, Donavan breaking his collar bone, Seth hitting Tony in the head with a cane making him get stitches, Chris falling on the porch and taking a lot of skin off his leg, Me and Chris riding bikes around the house so much there's no grass, Tony taking a big bite of mayo when I told him it was icing, Tony melting crayons in his hands, Seth getting stuck in a toy dump truck, Josh and his 'talking tree', Donavan basically living off Cheetos for week, Chris burning his hand after taking a baking pan out of the oven using his bare hands, Donavan and Seth's big bike wreck where they collided into each other, Tony needing his legs rubbed at night to be able to fall asleep, mine and Chris' big fight where we went to punch each other and hit our fists together instead, late night poker games with Josh and Chris, Donavan stuffing the cats in our mailbox, Seth's good hiding spot in the closet making everyone worry..... its been fun, crazy, dramatic, horrible, sad, and wonderful. **Childhood memories** are my awesome thing for today. No matter how bad things got, we still had some fun. Out of all the bad that went on during my childhood, I still managed to collect a lot of great memories with my brothers.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Embarrassing moment
Ok... I have a really embarrassing situation to let you all in on. Yesterday I took off work early because Lilly had a denist appointment. I picked her up from school, went home to start the dishwasher and she did a bit of homework. We walked to the dentist and wasn't even there 5 mins before they called her back. They said her teeth look great and the crooked ones should straighten out with time. We went home and I asked her if she wanted to go to the Y while I worked out and she was excited about that idea. I hurried and got my gym clothes on and we headed out.
Here I was on the treadmill for 30 mins, then I go to the weight room for an hour. I'm the only girl in there today. There's maybe 4 other guys in there. And they keep staring at me. I'm getting kind of uncomfortable so I leave and get my kids to go home. I'm home for about 2 hours before I even notice... I had my gym pants on backwards!!!!! My drawstrings were hanging down across my butt the entire time. My pockets were facing the wrong way. I thought those pants had pockets, but then I second guessed myself and thought maybe it was another pair that had pockets. I can't believe I did that! I'm kinda upset that no one told me, that all they would do is stare. I'm not one to easily get embarrassed, but this....this did it. **Living through embarrassing moments** is my awesome thing for today. Yes, it was embarrassing and I know some people have those moments when they just want to bury themselves in a hole to get away from the embarrassment, but you'll survive.
So, I just looked at my paycheck online and I finally got a raise..... a freaking 22 cent raise! What? I was told it was going to be a few bucks raise, not a few cents. I'm very upset. I can now take home 5 more dollars a pay check! Woo. Not a happy camper.
Here I was on the treadmill for 30 mins, then I go to the weight room for an hour. I'm the only girl in there today. There's maybe 4 other guys in there. And they keep staring at me. I'm getting kind of uncomfortable so I leave and get my kids to go home. I'm home for about 2 hours before I even notice... I had my gym pants on backwards!!!!! My drawstrings were hanging down across my butt the entire time. My pockets were facing the wrong way. I thought those pants had pockets, but then I second guessed myself and thought maybe it was another pair that had pockets. I can't believe I did that! I'm kinda upset that no one told me, that all they would do is stare. I'm not one to easily get embarrassed, but this....this did it. **Living through embarrassing moments** is my awesome thing for today. Yes, it was embarrassing and I know some people have those moments when they just want to bury themselves in a hole to get away from the embarrassment, but you'll survive.
So, I just looked at my paycheck online and I finally got a raise..... a freaking 22 cent raise! What? I was told it was going to be a few bucks raise, not a few cents. I'm very upset. I can now take home 5 more dollars a pay check! Woo. Not a happy camper.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Insert some profound title here.....
I kind of feel like I'm in a loop lately. I've been basically doing the same things every day. Ya know... wake up at the same time, drive the same road to the same job, do the same work, drive the same road back home, watch the same shows on tv... its a loop. I need some excitement. I thought by joining a gym I'd get a little off routine. I thought going to Lilly's games would throw me off too, but I still feel like I'm in this..... hole or something. Yeah... I try to do something different every now and then, but its short lived and I'm back in my routine. I used to find comfort in the same ol' same ol' but I think I'm just getting tired of it. I don't go out. I don't do anything. I took an extra long lunch last week to go see the Hunger Games and I loved it, but that too was short lived. After the movie, I was back at work sitting at the same desk.
I've been looking for ways to permently change my daily routine... I've been looking for other work, I've been trying to get a house-another place to live, but all those have fallen through my fingers. I think my biggest problems are just those things... I work at a job I don't enjoy that pays very little, and I'm in a living space that isn't big enough for me to do anything... I can't breathe in that cramped space.
Anyway..... Lilly's scrimmage went ok. She didn't really get to play much. She hit the ball every time, she didn't strike out. Her last time up to bat was her best hit. She had fun and that's all that really matters. It was cold out there. I had Lilly in 2 shirts, her jacket, sweat pants and knee high socks. Poor Zach ended up going to the car with hubby to warm up before the game was over. Her first real game is on Monday. I hope the coach plays her more or at least puts her somewhere other than outfield. She can catch, I wish the coach would take advantage of that. Maybe next game...
On a side note... one of my favorite blogs is coming to an end soon. is almost done. The countdown is almost over. Its been great going online every morning and seeing the next awesome thing and sharing my own stories and reading other people's comments. I have the books and I'll get every book Neil Pasricha puts out. All good things must come to an end, right? I'm sad to see it go, but its been a great ride. It kind of feels like I'm breaking up with someone that I was in this 4 year long committed relationship with. I will miss you all. Its been fun 'growing up' with all of the people in the awesome community. I know we will all walk away from this blog with brighter eyes and a new appreciation for all the small things that make this world go 'round. I hope everyone keeps spreading the happy and keeps track of their own little awesomes. Its kind of weird that I've become so attached to a blog, but its just like a good book, only this one has lasted 4 years. My awesome thing for today is **internet friends** You may never meet them, but it was great getting to know them.
I've been looking for ways to permently change my daily routine... I've been looking for other work, I've been trying to get a house-another place to live, but all those have fallen through my fingers. I think my biggest problems are just those things... I work at a job I don't enjoy that pays very little, and I'm in a living space that isn't big enough for me to do anything... I can't breathe in that cramped space.
Anyway..... Lilly's scrimmage went ok. She didn't really get to play much. She hit the ball every time, she didn't strike out. Her last time up to bat was her best hit. She had fun and that's all that really matters. It was cold out there. I had Lilly in 2 shirts, her jacket, sweat pants and knee high socks. Poor Zach ended up going to the car with hubby to warm up before the game was over. Her first real game is on Monday. I hope the coach plays her more or at least puts her somewhere other than outfield. She can catch, I wish the coach would take advantage of that. Maybe next game...
On a side note... one of my favorite blogs is coming to an end soon. is almost done. The countdown is almost over. Its been great going online every morning and seeing the next awesome thing and sharing my own stories and reading other people's comments. I have the books and I'll get every book Neil Pasricha puts out. All good things must come to an end, right? I'm sad to see it go, but its been a great ride. It kind of feels like I'm breaking up with someone that I was in this 4 year long committed relationship with. I will miss you all. Its been fun 'growing up' with all of the people in the awesome community. I know we will all walk away from this blog with brighter eyes and a new appreciation for all the small things that make this world go 'round. I hope everyone keeps spreading the happy and keeps track of their own little awesomes. Its kind of weird that I've become so attached to a blog, but its just like a good book, only this one has lasted 4 years. My awesome thing for today is **internet friends** You may never meet them, but it was great getting to know them.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
So... we didn't get the house. We couldn't go as high as they were wanting us to and they wouldn't go as low as we needed them to. I'm heartbroken. I was getting really excited about getting a house and finally getting to move. Now we are back to looking and hoping that something good will pop up soon. A new house came up for sale yesterday, but it was on the wrong side of town. I don't want Lilly to switch schools. You'd think it wouldn't matter because she goes to the Y and they take her and bring her back, but on the days when I can't get out to get her, when I need her to ride the bus home is the main problem. I can't take Zach out when he's sick. I can't go get her when my car is in the shop. Its frustrating. This house was at our fingertips and it just slipped away.
I don't know what I'm going to do now. Wait. I'm so tired of waiting. I'm just so wore out on getting my hopes up only for them to be crushed again. We need out of our apartment. You have no idea how much we need out. There is simply no room for 4 people to live. Hubby won't even think about renting a bigger place. He says if we're moving, we are going to own the place. Understandable to a point. I'm getting desperate. My kids don't have room to grow. Everyday that I live in this place, my heart breaks just a little more. I hope something comes along soon.
I realize that I haven't put my awesome thing up here for a few days.... I guess mine for now, for this situation would be **Hope** Without hope, where would we be?
I don't know what I'm going to do now. Wait. I'm so tired of waiting. I'm just so wore out on getting my hopes up only for them to be crushed again. We need out of our apartment. You have no idea how much we need out. There is simply no room for 4 people to live. Hubby won't even think about renting a bigger place. He says if we're moving, we are going to own the place. Understandable to a point. I'm getting desperate. My kids don't have room to grow. Everyday that I live in this place, my heart breaks just a little more. I hope something comes along soon.
I realize that I haven't put my awesome thing up here for a few days.... I guess mine for now, for this situation would be **Hope** Without hope, where would we be?
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Weekend
No new news on the house. Seeing as how it was a holiday weekend, I'm not surprised. My fingers are crossed today. I'm hoping I'll hear something.
Friday, I took a really long lunch, walked to the movie theater, and watched Hunger Games by myself. It was great! One of the best book to movies I've seen in a long time. They did such a great job taking it from pages and putting it on screen. I was impressed. I really want to go again.
Friday, I took a really long lunch, walked to the movie theater, and watched Hunger Games by myself. It was great! One of the best book to movies I've seen in a long time. They did such a great job taking it from pages and putting it on screen. I was impressed. I really want to go again.
Lilly had practice Friday. She kicked some butt. She was moving a bit slow though, but she was cold. It was real chilly out. I sent hubby and Zach home because it was so cold. Toward the end of practice, Lilly and the coach's daughter ended up colliding.....and Lilly knocked her over. This girl is twice Lilly's size. She came up to me after practice and told me she was sorry and I told her that she doesn't need to be cuz Lilly knocked her over and she said, "Yeah...I couldn't believe it! I'm so much bigger than she is!" It was funny. Her and Lilly are actually becoming friends.
We celebrated Easter Saturday morning before hubby headed off to work. I hid eggs and hubby made the baskets. When Zach got his Mickey Mouse, he was looking at his toy, then to the tv because Mickey was on tv. He looked so confused. It was a good morning. Both of them had fun finding eggs. Here's a few pics from that.
Then hubby went to work and I took the kids to grandma's so I could meet Lilly's father there to drop her off. I got there really early so we'd have time to hide and find eggs and visit for a bit. Here's a few pics from there...
Her basket doubled as a hat.
Saturday night, we went to hubby's sister's house to color eggs. Zach did a few. We ate pizza.
Sunday hubby worked again. I did laundry and played with Zach. Then when hubby got home, I started cooking things to take to his moms house. I made the mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. We got there and I called mom to see how Easter at her mom's went. Then we ate, hid and found eggs and played. Here's a few pics from there.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Nothing new
Our realtor called early yesterday to tell me that the sellers came down to $144,500. Hubby said he didn't want to go over $135, we declined their offer. They can either take our last bid or we don't get the house. I don't look for them to take it.
Lilly has practice late today... 6:45. She might have practice tomorrow, but she's going to miss it. Her father is getting her tomorrow. I say might because they are scheduled for a field that is closed on Saturdays. So.. the coach might try to get the other field. They have their first scrimmage on Tuesday. They certainly aren't ready. The coach isn't ready. It kinda makes me want to coach a team.
Nothing else really going on right now. I'm tired so I can't think of much. Zach was up 3 times last night then got up at 5:00 in a good mood. He kept laughing. I felt like he was laughing at me cuz he was keeping me awake.
We celebrate Easter tomorrow before hubby heads off to work. Lilly got another Nerf dart gun and a Justin Bieber CD. Zach got a small stuffed Pluto and a big Mickey that sings. And of course they both got candy. Zach had his first egg hunt yesterday. One of the teachers sent me a text saying he was having a blast. He had a grocery store plastic bag completely full of plastic eggs. He made out like a bandit.
I sent some of Lilly's birthday candy to the Y today cuz they need candy for their egg hunt today. I hope she has fun. We haven't had the chance to go to an egg hunt this year. Last year we went to the elementary school for one. This year they had it at the middle school, but it was the Saturday that we were wanting to take the kid fishing but ended up napping all day instead. Yeah, big laziness on our part. I didn't really know what we were doing that day though. Hubby just kept saying that he didn't know.
Oh, I figured out how to lend books out on my Kindle. I lent my best friend my Hunger Games books. But.. by the time she reads them and gets back into WV, the movie will be out of theater. I was thinking about going today by myself to see it during lunch or I'd leave work early. Its over 2 hours long.
Lilly has practice late today... 6:45. She might have practice tomorrow, but she's going to miss it. Her father is getting her tomorrow. I say might because they are scheduled for a field that is closed on Saturdays. So.. the coach might try to get the other field. They have their first scrimmage on Tuesday. They certainly aren't ready. The coach isn't ready. It kinda makes me want to coach a team.
Nothing else really going on right now. I'm tired so I can't think of much. Zach was up 3 times last night then got up at 5:00 in a good mood. He kept laughing. I felt like he was laughing at me cuz he was keeping me awake.
We celebrate Easter tomorrow before hubby heads off to work. Lilly got another Nerf dart gun and a Justin Bieber CD. Zach got a small stuffed Pluto and a big Mickey that sings. And of course they both got candy. Zach had his first egg hunt yesterday. One of the teachers sent me a text saying he was having a blast. He had a grocery store plastic bag completely full of plastic eggs. He made out like a bandit.
I sent some of Lilly's birthday candy to the Y today cuz they need candy for their egg hunt today. I hope she has fun. We haven't had the chance to go to an egg hunt this year. Last year we went to the elementary school for one. This year they had it at the middle school, but it was the Saturday that we were wanting to take the kid fishing but ended up napping all day instead. Yeah, big laziness on our part. I didn't really know what we were doing that day though. Hubby just kept saying that he didn't know.
Oh, I figured out how to lend books out on my Kindle. I lent my best friend my Hunger Games books. But.. by the time she reads them and gets back into WV, the movie will be out of theater. I was thinking about going today by myself to see it during lunch or I'd leave work early. Its over 2 hours long.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Excitement...then waiting
First thing in the morning yesterday I got a call from our realtor. The house is listed for $149,900. We made an offer of 130,000, asked to keep the dinning room set, asked the seller to pay for home owners insurance and $1,000 in repairs if needed. When our realtor called, she said they had counter-offered with $147,000, only $500 in repairs, they'll leave the dinning room set and pay the home owners insurance. Then we counter-offered again with $135,000 with everything else the same...... and I haven't heard anything back yet. I'm not sure whether this is good or not. I'm nervous and excited. I hope I hear something today. Maybe it was an offer they just had to think about. Maybe they didn't get our counter-offer until late in the day. Maybe they are just teasing us.
Last night, I hurried home after the gym, fed the kids, cleaned the kitchen, boiled and cooled the eggs and then we colored eggs for Easter. Its the first year Zach actually got to participate. It was fun. We had a tye dye kit too along with the regular dye. To do the tye dye, you put dots all over the egg with different colors and then you just rub them together with a plastic bag that came with the kit. It looks really cool. I don't think I got a picture of a finished tye dye egg on my phone, but I got one of Lilly in the process of dotting. Zach loved the eggs, he kept hugging it and then trying to throw it. My fingers are still all different kinds of colors. I couldn't get the dye off my hands, neither could Lilly.
Last night, I hurried home after the gym, fed the kids, cleaned the kitchen, boiled and cooled the eggs and then we colored eggs for Easter. Its the first year Zach actually got to participate. It was fun. We had a tye dye kit too along with the regular dye. To do the tye dye, you put dots all over the egg with different colors and then you just rub them together with a plastic bag that came with the kit. It looks really cool. I don't think I got a picture of a finished tye dye egg on my phone, but I got one of Lilly in the process of dotting. Zach loved the eggs, he kept hugging it and then trying to throw it. My fingers are still all different kinds of colors. I couldn't get the dye off my hands, neither could Lilly.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Will we get the house?
Made an offer yesterday. I have a good feeling about this one. Hopefully they won't counter-offer with anything too much over our original offer. Found out its an Estate, so it may be a bit harder to get for cheap. Our realtor gave them 2 days to give us an answer. So.. either today or tomorrow, we'll know something.
After we made our bid and signed all the papers, we went Eater shopping. Hubby was getting a bit excited. Its the first year that he's done it. I usually do it all by myself, but with my money being tied up in health care and day care...he had to come along. It took us an hour! Something I can usually do in 20 minutes took us an hour. He was looking at everything, picking everything up, telling me to look at everything. I'm pretty sure we ended up getting way too much when we agreed to not do that before we went. Got quite a bit of candy and I reminded him we needed some toys too so I grabbed up 2 bracelets, one with butterflies on it and one with cars. Then I went through the store and got Lilly a Justin Bieber CD and Zach a Pluto (from Mickey) stuffed animal. He grabbed Lilly some more darts for her Nerf gun and then when we were checking out he started to freak out. "We didn't get any suckers!" I told him to go get some if he wanted and he comes back with an arm load. It was quite an experience.
After shopping, he dropped me off at the house with all the candy and he went to go get the kids from his moms. I took a shower and waited for him to call me asking what I wanted to eat, but he never did. And here's where my awesome thing comes in to play. **When your significant other knows you so well, they can get exactly what you want from a restaurant without asking you** Here he comes strolling in with the kids, Zach asleep on his shoulder, Lilly carrying 2 Happy Meals from McDonals and hubby has Chinese food in his hand. GASP! How did he know I wanted Chinese? be fair, I always want Chinese food. He got exactly what I wanted, egg roll included.
Real early this morning, about 3:30 I got up with Zach and on my way back to bed, I got really dizzy. I kept trying to walk toward my bed, but my legs were making me walk backwards. I finally bend at the waist and my top half falls on the bed and I wake Hubby up. He asks if I'm ok, but at this point the room is spinning so fast I fall to the floor. After I compose myself enough, he helps me crawl back into bed, but its hard to sleep with the room spinning. My alarm goes off at 5:40, and I'm still dizzy. It was difficult to get ready this morning and get the kids up and going. I drove ok. No problem there. But now as I sit at my desk at work, I'm getting dizzy again. I kind of feel like I'm drunk, but I haven't even had a drop in forever. Its horrible. If it doesn't quit soon, I may go home. I don't want to end up on the floor at work.
After we made our bid and signed all the papers, we went Eater shopping. Hubby was getting a bit excited. Its the first year that he's done it. I usually do it all by myself, but with my money being tied up in health care and day care...he had to come along. It took us an hour! Something I can usually do in 20 minutes took us an hour. He was looking at everything, picking everything up, telling me to look at everything. I'm pretty sure we ended up getting way too much when we agreed to not do that before we went. Got quite a bit of candy and I reminded him we needed some toys too so I grabbed up 2 bracelets, one with butterflies on it and one with cars. Then I went through the store and got Lilly a Justin Bieber CD and Zach a Pluto (from Mickey) stuffed animal. He grabbed Lilly some more darts for her Nerf gun and then when we were checking out he started to freak out. "We didn't get any suckers!" I told him to go get some if he wanted and he comes back with an arm load. It was quite an experience.
After shopping, he dropped me off at the house with all the candy and he went to go get the kids from his moms. I took a shower and waited for him to call me asking what I wanted to eat, but he never did. And here's where my awesome thing comes in to play. **When your significant other knows you so well, they can get exactly what you want from a restaurant without asking you** Here he comes strolling in with the kids, Zach asleep on his shoulder, Lilly carrying 2 Happy Meals from McDonals and hubby has Chinese food in his hand. GASP! How did he know I wanted Chinese? be fair, I always want Chinese food. He got exactly what I wanted, egg roll included.
Real early this morning, about 3:30 I got up with Zach and on my way back to bed, I got really dizzy. I kept trying to walk toward my bed, but my legs were making me walk backwards. I finally bend at the waist and my top half falls on the bed and I wake Hubby up. He asks if I'm ok, but at this point the room is spinning so fast I fall to the floor. After I compose myself enough, he helps me crawl back into bed, but its hard to sleep with the room spinning. My alarm goes off at 5:40, and I'm still dizzy. It was difficult to get ready this morning and get the kids up and going. I drove ok. No problem there. But now as I sit at my desk at work, I'm getting dizzy again. I kind of feel like I'm drunk, but I haven't even had a drop in forever. Its horrible. If it doesn't quit soon, I may go home. I don't want to end up on the floor at work.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
So... we are going to go make an offer on a house today. I'm excited. Its a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Hubby's starting to second guess himself. He keeps saying its not what he wants, but it'll do for now. I'm sorry, but I don't really have any plans on moving after we get a house. I want to be able to raise my kids in one stable home. I'm not going to keep moving them around. My parents did that to me and I hated it. We went from nice houses to rickety old shacks to trailers to tiny houses and then all over again. My favorite house, we moved in when I was 11. Huge yard. I mean huge. You could put problaby another 3 or 4 good sized houses in this yard. No close neighbors, surrounded by nature. We lived there until Mom and my first step dad divorced. Ok, well... a little after. He was required by the court to pay the house payments until mom got a job or whatever, but he didn't and we got evicted. I still think about that house. My second favorite house we lived in when I was 7. It was the only 2 story house I lived in. It had a big bay window in the dinning room and a wrap around porch. Hated the neighborhood and the school though. My least favorite house is the last one I lived in when I lived with mom. No running water. Didn't have electicity for the first few years. 2 bedrooms with 6 people. No insulation. No air condition and the only heat source we had was wood burning stove. I hated that house. It was a mile and a half straight up a hill on a dirt road. I did learn a lot there. I learned how to bail water, how to dig a ditch and a bunch of stuff like that.
Anyway......... I was having a pretty good day yesterday. I worked like crazy and got a lot done at work. **Being super productive** is my awesome thing from yesterday. It could be being productive at work, at school or even doing something at home. I feel really great about myself when I'm being productive.
I picked Lilly up at grandma's, Zach up at the Y and then headed home to get ready to leave for Lilly's practice. I swear I read that schedule several times and it said 5:30 at a certain field. It was the field that was furthest from our apartment. We rushed. We got there just in time only to not see the coach or any of the kids. I call the coach and turns out practice was at the field 30 seconds from my apartment. That kind of made me upset. I made Lilly late. Luckily she only missed warm-up. She got out there and kicked butt. Then the coach went up to this one lady and said, "I'm going to play your girl on first base most of the time. Whenever I play my own kid on pitchers mound, yours will be one first. They have a connection. Yours catches every throw mine gives her." Made me so mad. I've been watching those 2 kids most of the practce and they don't work well together at all. Hardly any catches were made and little effort was put into it. Lilly and this one other girl were the ones out there running hard, catching just about every throw that was given to them and they threw the ball with the most accuracy. So mad. I know that lady the coach talked to is a close friend of hers. Made me even more mad. Lilly's been dying to play first base and she is really good at it. I know I may be a bit biased, but she really is better than the other girl. Lilly even got mad during practice. She said that the coach's daughter kept telling her what to do....and it certainly wasn't what the coach was telling her to do. I saw the little girl telling Lilly what to do and I wanted to yell and tell Lilly not to listen to her, but my voice wouldn't have made it that far. There were a few girls in the in-field. The coach was rolling grounders to the girls and then they threw the ball to first. That was it. It was a simple play. The coach's daughter started telling Lilly that she had to go to second before she could throw it to first. It certainly wasn't what the coach told them to do. Coach kept looking at Lilly like she didn't know why she was going to second just to throw the ball, but she never said anything. I could see that Lilly kept getting more and more upset each time.
Enough venting... time to get to work. Wish me luck on the house!
Anyway......... I was having a pretty good day yesterday. I worked like crazy and got a lot done at work. **Being super productive** is my awesome thing from yesterday. It could be being productive at work, at school or even doing something at home. I feel really great about myself when I'm being productive.
I picked Lilly up at grandma's, Zach up at the Y and then headed home to get ready to leave for Lilly's practice. I swear I read that schedule several times and it said 5:30 at a certain field. It was the field that was furthest from our apartment. We rushed. We got there just in time only to not see the coach or any of the kids. I call the coach and turns out practice was at the field 30 seconds from my apartment. That kind of made me upset. I made Lilly late. Luckily she only missed warm-up. She got out there and kicked butt. Then the coach went up to this one lady and said, "I'm going to play your girl on first base most of the time. Whenever I play my own kid on pitchers mound, yours will be one first. They have a connection. Yours catches every throw mine gives her." Made me so mad. I've been watching those 2 kids most of the practce and they don't work well together at all. Hardly any catches were made and little effort was put into it. Lilly and this one other girl were the ones out there running hard, catching just about every throw that was given to them and they threw the ball with the most accuracy. So mad. I know that lady the coach talked to is a close friend of hers. Made me even more mad. Lilly's been dying to play first base and she is really good at it. I know I may be a bit biased, but she really is better than the other girl. Lilly even got mad during practice. She said that the coach's daughter kept telling her what to do....and it certainly wasn't what the coach was telling her to do. I saw the little girl telling Lilly what to do and I wanted to yell and tell Lilly not to listen to her, but my voice wouldn't have made it that far. There were a few girls in the in-field. The coach was rolling grounders to the girls and then they threw the ball to first. That was it. It was a simple play. The coach's daughter started telling Lilly that she had to go to second before she could throw it to first. It certainly wasn't what the coach told them to do. Coach kept looking at Lilly like she didn't know why she was going to second just to throw the ball, but she never said anything. I could see that Lilly kept getting more and more upset each time.
Enough venting... time to get to work. Wish me luck on the house!
Monday, April 2, 2012
A Lot Going On
Things went ok this weekend. Lilly had ball practice and it went well. I couldn't yell and tell her she did great or cheer for her since I couldn't talk. I clapped and gave her thumbs up instead.
Our 31 fundraiser went great. We have already sold over $300 worth of purses and stuff and there's more coming. If you are interested in at least seeing what 31 is, or if you do want to purchase, please do so through this link then click on "MY EVENTS" and then click on the first one that says "United Bank Relay for Life" on the words that say "shop now" and you'll be well on your way. 20% of all purchases will go to the American Cancer Society. Our event closes on April 6, so you better hurry!
Saturday I sort of had my voice back. We didn't do anything. We were going to take the kids fishing, but hubby's truck was in the process of breaking down and he wanted to get it fixed. I'm not sure if he ever did or not. It was such a boring day. Zach took a nap around noon, so I did too. An hour later we were up and then hubby went to take a nap. I kinda hate it when he takes naps cuz he doesn't really nap, he sleeps. I took an hour nap, he was out for 5 hours. Lilly ended up falling asleep on the couch and slept for about 3 hours. Zach took another nap around 5 and didn't wake up until 7. After everyone was finally awake, I asked hubby if he wanted to take the kids out to eat since we never got to take Lilly out for her birthday. He agreed, but soon after he got a text. One of the guys on the fire station, not a fire fighter but I'm not 100% sure what he is, his wife and granddaughter were in a wreck and on their way to the hosptial. They were fine, but they were just being checked out. And so hubby took off to the hospital.
Sunday was busy. I got up early with the kids, got them fed and dressed and we headed out to my mom's. It was nice. We actually hung out at her house instead of her boyfriend's. They bought a big peice of land and he got the top part and mom's down in the bottom. The kids played outside, Lilly caught a fish, they played with the dogs and we went for a walk. **Taking a walk outside** is my awesome thing from this weekend. We were out in the middle of nowhere. No cars. We saw deer prints, watched the dogs play in the creek, picked flowers and tossed rocks. It was nice. It made me really miss living out here. I like the city, but sometimes I miss the country where I was raised. Mom loved her Easter basket that we made her, too. It was a very nice visit. After that we went to my ex step dad's house where my 2 youngest brothers were. It was nice cuz I never get to see Seth since he's always at his dad's house. He informed mom that when school is over he's moving in with her and when he turns 18 in August, he's moving in with our ex step dad. I don't blame him. I lived with his dad for 7 years and that was more than enough. (I think that's how long mom and him were married) I don't really know if I'm going to go back there or not, to my ex step dad's apartment. Its just so tiny and its hard to move around with 2 big boys and my step dad who is a big guy too and then my kids running around. There's no where to sit or even really stand. And it was such a mess. Zach kept picking up trash and throwing it away. He's such a good boy. My step dad needs a maid or to move where he has more room or something. That and he wasn't really that welcoming. I was there before he got home. I was hanging out with my brothers when he came home and then all he did was complain. He complained about mom. He complained about the boys. He even complained about the basket we made for him. And then he kept asking me when I was going to leave. Kinda made me feel like crap. I'm just glad Lilly was occupied and wasn't listening. It would have broke her heart.
After that we headed to grandma's so I could drop Lilly off to spend the night. I gave Zach a bath while we were there and then I didn't get home until almost 9:00.
Lilly has ball practice again today. I gotta make sure I soak her in sunscreen. I got a bit of sun at moms. I was red on my face and arms, but I didn't get burnt.
Oh... yeah... hopefully Tuesday we are going to go to our realtor's office and start the paperwork to try to get a house. Its the last house we went to look at on the inside. The mid-entry with hardwood floors in the upper level, one car garage, 4 bedrooms, 1 full bath 2 half baths, nice sized yard, ok sized kitchen with lots of counter and cabinet space... and yellow bathroom fixtures. I really like this house and I'm glad hubby finally decided to make an offer. He kept saying he liked it, but he just didn't know. I didn't know what he didn't know, but we are going to try to get it now. I'm so excited! Our realtor hasn't got back with us to tell us if she can do Tuesday or not.
Easter is 6 days away (5 for us) and he haven't gotten a thing for the kids yet. I told hubby on Saturday that it was a good day to do that, but he said the has plans for the day we're going to. Wednesday is the only day I can see where we can do it. We'll have to drop the kids off somewhere. Monday-Lilly has practice. Tuesday- We are hopefully signing for a house. Thursday-the only day we have to color eggs. Friday-Lilly has practice. And Saturday is when we are going to celebrate it. Lilly's father has her this year for Easter, so we are going to celebrate a day early. And...hubby has to work too. So, we'll have to do it bright and early in the morning before he heads out. I might take the kids somewhere to do an egg hunt, then I'm off to grandma's to meet Lilly's father.
Happy Monday everyone. I hope today is good. I hope this week is better than last week. At least I can mostly talk today.
Our 31 fundraiser went great. We have already sold over $300 worth of purses and stuff and there's more coming. If you are interested in at least seeing what 31 is, or if you do want to purchase, please do so through this link then click on "MY EVENTS" and then click on the first one that says "United Bank Relay for Life" on the words that say "shop now" and you'll be well on your way. 20% of all purchases will go to the American Cancer Society. Our event closes on April 6, so you better hurry!
Saturday I sort of had my voice back. We didn't do anything. We were going to take the kids fishing, but hubby's truck was in the process of breaking down and he wanted to get it fixed. I'm not sure if he ever did or not. It was such a boring day. Zach took a nap around noon, so I did too. An hour later we were up and then hubby went to take a nap. I kinda hate it when he takes naps cuz he doesn't really nap, he sleeps. I took an hour nap, he was out for 5 hours. Lilly ended up falling asleep on the couch and slept for about 3 hours. Zach took another nap around 5 and didn't wake up until 7. After everyone was finally awake, I asked hubby if he wanted to take the kids out to eat since we never got to take Lilly out for her birthday. He agreed, but soon after he got a text. One of the guys on the fire station, not a fire fighter but I'm not 100% sure what he is, his wife and granddaughter were in a wreck and on their way to the hosptial. They were fine, but they were just being checked out. And so hubby took off to the hospital.
Sunday was busy. I got up early with the kids, got them fed and dressed and we headed out to my mom's. It was nice. We actually hung out at her house instead of her boyfriend's. They bought a big peice of land and he got the top part and mom's down in the bottom. The kids played outside, Lilly caught a fish, they played with the dogs and we went for a walk. **Taking a walk outside** is my awesome thing from this weekend. We were out in the middle of nowhere. No cars. We saw deer prints, watched the dogs play in the creek, picked flowers and tossed rocks. It was nice. It made me really miss living out here. I like the city, but sometimes I miss the country where I was raised. Mom loved her Easter basket that we made her, too. It was a very nice visit. After that we went to my ex step dad's house where my 2 youngest brothers were. It was nice cuz I never get to see Seth since he's always at his dad's house. He informed mom that when school is over he's moving in with her and when he turns 18 in August, he's moving in with our ex step dad. I don't blame him. I lived with his dad for 7 years and that was more than enough. (I think that's how long mom and him were married) I don't really know if I'm going to go back there or not, to my ex step dad's apartment. Its just so tiny and its hard to move around with 2 big boys and my step dad who is a big guy too and then my kids running around. There's no where to sit or even really stand. And it was such a mess. Zach kept picking up trash and throwing it away. He's such a good boy. My step dad needs a maid or to move where he has more room or something. That and he wasn't really that welcoming. I was there before he got home. I was hanging out with my brothers when he came home and then all he did was complain. He complained about mom. He complained about the boys. He even complained about the basket we made for him. And then he kept asking me when I was going to leave. Kinda made me feel like crap. I'm just glad Lilly was occupied and wasn't listening. It would have broke her heart.
After that we headed to grandma's so I could drop Lilly off to spend the night. I gave Zach a bath while we were there and then I didn't get home until almost 9:00.
Lilly has ball practice again today. I gotta make sure I soak her in sunscreen. I got a bit of sun at moms. I was red on my face and arms, but I didn't get burnt.
Oh... yeah... hopefully Tuesday we are going to go to our realtor's office and start the paperwork to try to get a house. Its the last house we went to look at on the inside. The mid-entry with hardwood floors in the upper level, one car garage, 4 bedrooms, 1 full bath 2 half baths, nice sized yard, ok sized kitchen with lots of counter and cabinet space... and yellow bathroom fixtures. I really like this house and I'm glad hubby finally decided to make an offer. He kept saying he liked it, but he just didn't know. I didn't know what he didn't know, but we are going to try to get it now. I'm so excited! Our realtor hasn't got back with us to tell us if she can do Tuesday or not.
Easter is 6 days away (5 for us) and he haven't gotten a thing for the kids yet. I told hubby on Saturday that it was a good day to do that, but he said the has plans for the day we're going to. Wednesday is the only day I can see where we can do it. We'll have to drop the kids off somewhere. Monday-Lilly has practice. Tuesday- We are hopefully signing for a house. Thursday-the only day we have to color eggs. Friday-Lilly has practice. And Saturday is when we are going to celebrate it. Lilly's father has her this year for Easter, so we are going to celebrate a day early. And...hubby has to work too. So, we'll have to do it bright and early in the morning before he heads out. I might take the kids somewhere to do an egg hunt, then I'm off to grandma's to meet Lilly's father.
Happy Monday everyone. I hope today is good. I hope this week is better than last week. At least I can mostly talk today.
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