My mom would get a million
My dad's parents would get a million (they helped me out a lot over the years)
My dad would get a million
Second Step dad would get a million
Hubby's parents would get a million
Hubby's sister would get a million
Josh L would get half a million and I would finish paying off his house
Chris would get half a million
Tony would get half a million and I would buy him a car
Seth would get half a million and I would buy him a car
Donavan would get half a million and I would buy him...something.
Josh A.... I'd give him $100,000
My bff and her mom would get a million each
My nephew would get half a million, but only when he's old enough
Hubby's niece and 3 nephews would get half a million each to go toward their college fund, cars when old enough, and a house when they are ready...nothing else.
My mom's parents would get half a million
My uncle would get half a million
I'd even give baby's daddy and his mom a million each
I'd make sure that my boss and one other co-worker here could retire comfortably...million each
Two other people who have been good to me gets a million each
Lilly and the child that has yet to be born would get 5 million each
I'd donate a million to Relay for Life and half a million to the hubby's fire station.
I'm sure I'd donate more money to other worthy causes like a women's shelter and St. Judes...but I don't know how much I'd donate.
So how much is that so far?? $35 million or so.. not counting paying off houses and buying cars.
Then I would want to buy hubby a new truck, get us a house, get me a new car, furnish the house, get a boat, go on some trips.... Scotland, Italy, and then France. Send some family on a vacation...maybe a cruise. Take Lilly to Disneyworld and travel the US... see the Grand Canyon and such. Go to Canada again. Niagra Falls. Maybe even go to Hawaii. That's maybe anot
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