How in the world could I not mention.... I was featured in the 1000awesomethings blog today!! Not a very good picture, but oh well. I took the picture after crying for a bit after seeing the two lines on my pregnancy test. I should have taken the picture before I took the test. Nah...it better documents what was going on that day.
So......I have been having problems getting insurance. My pay and hubby's unemployment puts me at $700 over the limit to get the state insurance. I'm $300 over the limit getting insurance through the Maternal Child Office. I called them back today and asked why they didn't calculate in what I pay for day care and they said that I fall too high in the bracket for them to consider that pay. I don't understand. I pay almost $500 a month to day care. How can they NOT count that?? And I had a little too much overtime in the checks I sent in, but even if I only got 40 hours I'm still too high for them to count the day care expense. So, I called the lady here at work that deals with the insurance. I was trying to avoid getting work's insurance because the coverage sucks, the deductible is $3,000 and the monthly pay is $150. I can't really afford that, but I can't afford to not try to get some insurance, right?? WRONG!! She said that I'm past my 30 day time limit. Hubby lost the insurance in March along with his job....if I would have applied for the insurance here within 30 days of him losing it, I would have been able to get it. But now she said since I waited so long, I can't apply until January. I just started laughing at her and I couldn't stop. After all of these headaches, trying to get insurance through the state and elsewhere, I was using work as a backup plan but now I can't. I've been going through hell for the past month trying to get insurance and trying to get hubby to get a job that offered insurance (still no job...I want to strangle him), and I don't qualify for anything. I don't make that much, how can it be too much??
I figured it out....if I quit my job then the government will give me health care, food stamps, day care help if I need it, utility help, and free housing. If they help out the unemployed like that, why can't they help out the ones that are out there busting their asses everyday to try to make ends meet. I'm sorry....I'm just really angry about the whole situation. You have no idea what I have been going through with these people.
So...Lilly's father's girlfriend works in the hospital where I want to have the baby and where my OB/GYN is. She said that I can go through the clinic and everything will be free or at least close to free. That counts checkups, medicine, lab work, ultrasounds, the delivery and my 6 week checkup. The only kind of bad thing is that I won't have MY doctor. I will have whatever doctor is available at the time. Right now, I don't care. I have no other choice. I have to go to the clinic or be paying off this baby for the rest of my life.
I figured it out....if I quit my job then the government will give me health care, food stamps, day care help if I need it, utility help, and free housing. If they help out the unemployed like that, why can't they help out the ones that are out there busting their asses everyday to try to make ends meet. I'm sorry....I'm just really angry about the whole situation. You have no idea what I have been going through with these people.
So...Lilly's father's girlfriend works in the hospital where I want to have the baby and where my OB/GYN is. She said that I can go through the clinic and everything will be free or at least close to free. That counts checkups, medicine, lab work, ultrasounds, the delivery and my 6 week checkup. The only kind of bad thing is that I won't have MY doctor. I will have whatever doctor is available at the time. Right now, I don't care. I have no other choice. I have to go to the clinic or be paying off this baby for the rest of my life.
There's my vent for the day
First of all, YAY for the feature on 1000awesomethings! So exciting :D I think it's a cute pic! And certainly very awesome (book AND baby)!
ReplyDeleteThe whole insurance game is SUCH bullshit. 'Scuse the language, but seriously. You're exactly right: it seems like people can get a lot more by doing a lot less and that is NOT. RIGHT. Since when should not doing the right thing be rewarded? I know a few people who are in similar situations, whether it's trying to get insurance or scholarships or whatever. They or their parents make "too much" even though it's not even close to enough. It's just ... wrong.
:-) its nice to know someone understands where I'm coming from. Hubby doesn't get it. He just throws in this 2 cents every now and then. When I told him about the clinic a few days ago, he said he'd have to "think about it." what is there to think about. Well....we have no other option now.
ReplyDeletei think just about anything is going to make me mad and upset today, so I'm gonna shut up now. I'll take another look at this tomorrow.