Some more crazy days.
Left work early on Thursday to take Lilly to the dentist. Nothing big. She was just getting sealant put on her back teeth.
I took Friday off work to work on my stuff in the basement. All my stuff. My big pile of stuff. I also took an hour break to go to Lilly's awards assembly at school. She got the Principals List award and the Citizenship award. I teared up about 5 times during the whole thing. I know when its Zach's turn to do this, I'm just going to bawl my eyes out. Got back home and went to work again. I went through old stuff from high school, Lilly's newborn clothes, old toys, old pictures and so much more stuff that I had forgotten about. I was on my feet from 6 in the morning until 11 that night. The only time I sat down was at Lilly's awards assembly and in the car to drop off and pick up the kids. I didn't even sit down to eat. I ate at the counter while I was cleaning up the kitchen.
Saturday, I woke up and couldn't move. My back, hips, knees and feet hurt so incredibly bad and was stiff. I made the mistake of thinking I was 14 and could go all day without resting. Granted, I'm only 26, but I swear I have the joints and muscles of an 85 year old. I had to get moving. I took a super hot shower and made the kids breakfast. I kicked hubby out of bed because we had to get going. Lilly had soccer at 11:30 and he still needed a shower and get new tires on my car. I stayed while Lilly played and Hubby took Zach to go look at fireplace inserts with a blower. After soccer, I stopped by the store and bought me and Lilly lunch. I am trying to teach her the importance of money now. I showed her how much cheaper it is to buy and fix your own food than to go out and buy it already made at a fast food place. I'm also starting to teach her to cook. She's been helping out a lot. She made gumbo the other night and then I showed her how to made our own chicken nuggets. After lunch, we ran to the fire station to view and buy our pictures that we had done just a couple weeks before. I wasn't a fan of any of the family poses, but there were a few good ones in there. There was one of me and Lilly that I really liked and one of hubby and Zach that I really liked and one each of the kids. We did get all of them because she just gave them to us. What we didn't pick out to buy, she gave to us.
After that we headed back to my hometown about 45 minutes away to my nephew's 9th birthday party. The kids had fun and I got to see everyone. Zach was more interested in their dog than anything else. We left there about 7pm and headed home for dinner.
Sunday I took the kids to my grandma's house. We hadn't seen her in a while. We stayed for about 5 hours before we left. The kids played hard outside on the swing set and in Lilly's giant doll house. We went and looked at my brothers new apartment and saw my uncles new camper. We left there so Zach would go to sleep and went to wait for hubby at Cabela's. We got there around 2:30, Zach slept until 3:30 and then I took the kids inside to wait since they were both kind of grouchy. Hubby finally showed up after 4 and we didn't leave the store until around 6 and then we headed to Walmart for more shopping and then home.
Monday I was off work and I wanted to get some more work done on my stuff in the basement. I took the kids down there. Zach played and Lilly went through some of her old toys. That's basically all we did all day. I cleaned the kitchen and did laundry while Zach napped. He was out for almost 4 hours.
Ok... now that my weekend is out of the way.... its time to talk about Black Friday some more. Hubby finally agreed to stay home so I could go out, but he ask that I be home at a decent time so he can go out hunting that evening. So, I'm going to aim to be home at noon. He was asking me questions about when am I going to sleep since I'm coming home to Zach and I told him that its the same thing I did the year before and was fine and dandy. I don't sleep at all for about 2 days straight. It sucks, but I've learned to preoccupy my tiredness with shopping and when I get home, I still have to go through my things and see what I got and didn't get and I'll have Zach to tend to. I don't get grouchy when I know I'm not going to sleep, but when I expect sleep and don't get it, that's when I get grouchy. I value my sleep. And.. at least twice while I'm out with my bff, I will snap at her and she'll call me a grouch. Going out isn't all cupcakes and butterflies, there's some dead frogs in there too. All the ads to the stores that I want to go are all out now. Hubby was trying to tell me how to go about shopping last night. He told me that I needed to make sure I got the best deals. I just laughed at him. He said, "I'm serious." I told him that I made spreadsheets and Word documents and even have pictures of everything I'm going to get so it'll be easier to find. I know what I'm doing. The only problem is, getting there before what you want is all gone.
Today seems to be going by pretty fast. I'm about to take my lunch and then I'm going to do some black Friday online strategy plan making things....I haven't had the chance to check out Target or JCPenny's ad yet. I am starting to get a headache, but this is the first day since Thursday that I have gotten to actually sit down for more than 5 minutes. Its kind of nice. So, here a few pictures of the kids.
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