The long awaited Friday is here. Rest, relaxation, sleeping in........ and then cleaning. Saturdays are my hardcore cleaning days.
I had one crazy dream last night that involved penguins and the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz. CRAZY!!!!
So, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has lists of things they want to do before they hit a certain age. I have a list of things I want to do before I turn 30 and I will share those.
Buy a house
Have a baby....or two
Get a job that I love
Learn how to sew
Learn how to drive a stick shift
Write a book
Go to the beach
Get back to my pre-baby weight
Get a new hairdo
Learn Italian
Relearn French
Places I want to go eventually:
Italy, Scotland, France, New York, California, Las Vagas, and go back to Canada.
Now I think I need to explain some of the things on my list. I want to learn how to sew so me and my bff will eventually get to making our own clothes and hopefully become designers. Get a job I love..... everyone needs one of those. Hairdo...I have had the same 'do forever. Elementary school probably. I tried changing it once, but that didn't last long. My hair is just too long....its down to my behind. I need to get it wacked off. And order to go to the places I want to go, I feel the need to learn their language.
So everyday is a step toward crossing things off my list.
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