Then, my bff wants me to come up and visit her. She lives 2 hours away and is getting ready to move 5 1/2 hours away. I haven't been to see her place since she moved and I hardly ever get to see her. I would love to go see her, but I hate to be that far away in case something happens with my daughter while she is with her father.
Finally, my mom wants me to spend the weekend with her. I hate to tell her no cuz she lives by herself. I only see my mom about once a month and I have yet to see her this month. If I go see her, I could go visit Mary's grave to say my goodbyes.
But....I could just stay home and disappoint everyone. I could sleep in, stay in my pajamas all weekend and catch up on what I have on the DVR. Yeah...sounds like a good idea for a little while, but I know I would end up bored out of my mind.
Hmmmmmmm........ I think all the sign point to my bff's house. I will just worry the whole time I'm up there about my little girl.
Its funny though...cuz usually I have nothing to do and I'm either home alone, watching tv with hubby or we end up at one of his friends houses.
Oh, and did I mention that I have court tomorrow.......I'm not very excited about that. Its nothing major, its just with baby daddy. The child support people reopened my case and now we have to go back to court. We have everything worked out but I just really hate going to court and I have a feeling that he is going to back out of everything he has agreed to. We'll see I guess.
And this show that I absolutely love is the Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. It was filming just 20
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