Busy, busy weekend..... did I say busy? I meant hectic.
Friday, I left work a bit early to get my bubby, drove him to a tattoo place to get his tattoo.... looks good, btw. That took about 45 minutes altogether. Then I made him go to Walmart with me so I could get decorations for Lilly birthday party and a few more things. Then I drive him back home. 2 minutes before I drop him off I get a text from hubby for me to come home now. (he had both the kids and I was worried about him having both, I didn't think he could handle it) At this time I realize what time it is and I know Zach is screaming his head off cuz that's just what he does everyday around 7:00 pm. So I hurry and drop off my bubby and try to rush home, but its Friday at 7 and there's a lotta traffic. You can only go as fast as the car in front of you. Hubby sends me another text, "NOW" I tell him I'm hurrying and asks him what's wrong to make sure it isn't anything BIG. He sends me a pic of Zach crying. I finally make it home, Zach has calmed down a bit. I take him and he goes right to sleep. Then I spend the next half an hour spending time with Lilly before I send her to bed. Then I wash bottles, get Lilly's gifts wrapped and put together the goodie bags for the kids.
Saturday after getting up 3 times with Zach, I get up at 6:30 with Lilly. She has ball practice at 11:15, so I gotta get her fed, Zach fed and bathed, both of them dressed, the diaper bag packed, wake up hubby, and go drop Zach off to hubby's sister's house cuz its too cold to take him to the field and we both wanted to go to her first practice. IT WAS SO COLD!!! She had a lotta fun though and she did really well. She's got a good arm on her and she can hit the ball, its just catching that she needs work on, really. She knows one boy on her team from the Y. One girl showed up in sandals. Practice was over at 12:15.
We go to Burger King for a quick bite then we head off to Walmart to get her cake, chips and dip and some pop... oh and candles. Hubby wanted the ones that doesn't blow out.... Then we go to Dollar Tree for some helium balloons, plates, cups, forks and spoons.
Lilly's party went well though. They played bowling, basketball, hot potato, and they bounced bouncy balls and played with a beach ball. Lilly loved everything she got. Then it was clean up time. I couldn't hardly get it all in my car. But by the time we got home we were all so tired, but I had to start laundry and try to get some of her stuff put away. Lilly played her Wii games and listened to her CD's and then I put her to bed while watching her new movie. Lilly fell out of bed that night and I got up 3 times with Zach.
I get up at 6:00 with the kids. 8:00 I put Lilly in the shower. 8:30 hubby starts complaining he's in pain. His kidney stone is bothering him. He ends up getting sick and can't move. So... I get the kids ready, diaper bag packed and I call hubby's sister to come get the kids. Me and her have an appt with all the kids to do pictures at noon. Hubby's sister calls her mom and tells her that I'm taking hubby to the hospital.
So we get there and I get his insurance card out of his wallet and they call for him. I hand him his card and his wallet to go register. I go to get a pop, I watch a bit of tv, I text some people.... and I notice that its been a really long time since he went to register. I walk up to the windows where he would have been and he's not there. I wait a bit longer thinking he might be somewhere getting weighed and whatnot. I finally give up and ask a nurse what happened to him. "Oh I was just going to come get you... we put him in his room." Um......... ok. I haven't seen him in like 30 minutes.
I get back there and he's just standing there in the corner like a little kid. Shortly after, his mom comes in. I stay for about 45 minutes, but then I had to leave. I felt bad for leaving him, but he knew I had to.
The place we go to for the pics... they are incredible. They worked so fast and was so great with the kids. The pictures turned out better than I had expected. The entire thing only took an hour, taking the pics, looking and picking out what we wanted.... then 20 minutes later, they were ready to take home. They did such an excellent job. Hopefully tomorrow I'll remember to bring the pics and scan some onto my computer and share on here.
After the pics, I go back to the hospital and hubby and his mom are both in a bad mood. Hubby was on pain meds and wanted to sleep but his mom wanted to talk so that lead to fighting. I got there and sat quietly in the corner letting hubby sleep and I guess his mom got the hint cuz after about 5 minutes of trying to have a conversation with me, she finally was quiet too.
I was there an hour and they let him go home. They didn't really do anything. I was hoping they would go ahead and take out the kidney stone..but they just told him to keep his scheduled surgery and go then.
I drop off hubby and go get the kids and look at the pics. Then I take the kids to the fire station for a retirement party for one of the firemen. Hubby meets us there. We eat, we party, fun was had by all. Then we go home and I have to finish laundry, wash dishes, take a shower, get Zach calmed down and asleep, have a fashion show with Lilly so she can try on all her new clothes and get her backpack and the diaper bag packed for the next day. Halfway through laundry hubby wanted me to rest. I've been on the move since Friday and I've been stressed just as long... but I couldn't stop... things needed to be done. The apartment is still a mess cuz I didn't get laundry folded or all the dishes washed and Lilly's birthday presents are still sitting in the middle of the floor.
Today I am exhausted and still a bit aggravated. I've had 3 cups of coffee so far and I can still put my head down and take a nap..... if I had time.
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