My (full) brother directly below me turned 18 on the 4th. I went and kidnaped him, took him to the mall and then out to eat at iHop. It was the first time he ever ate there and he loved it. I baked him a cake, too.
Zach also did his very first artwork at the Y the other day. I brought him home and noticed some green paint under his nails. I knew they painted with the babies, so I knew they did something with him, but I saw it for the first time today. They made shamrocks out of the kids hand prints. I love it!! I have decided that for Father's Day, since its hubby's first one, I'm gonna have the kids do their hand and feet prints in some plaster or with finger paints on some paper. I can't wait. I know he will love them. Last year, Lilly gave him the cards and crafts she made at the Y that said "Dad" on them and he loved them. He teared up a little. They are still displayed on his night stand.
Some more fun memories from labor~
After they had moved me into the delivery room and gave me the great pain meds, one nurse thought that the baby was turned the wrong way.... breech. She went and got another nurse and she told her to do an ultrasound to be sure. He wasn't. He was the right way. What do they know? Another nurse thought his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck or something cuz every time I had a contraction his heartbeat would go down. This coming hours after they broke my water, so they pumped me full of fluid to allow him to float around a bit to loosen the cord. I don't know if that did anything or not. I can't remember right now. Not like it mattered much since they had me go in for a C-section after an hour of pushing.
We didn't come up with the name until after I was given the epidural and was laying there waiting for the doc to tell me it was time. Me and hubby threw out the last minute names while I was still in Triage. They were Zachary Alexander, Zachary David, Alexander David, David Alexander, and Michael Alexander. So after a few hours, right before they moved me to my delivery room, we decided as far as Zachary. Then while I was laying there half drugged up I was listening to hubby's sister tell him that she wished she knew what his name was going to be. I opened my eyes and said, "Dear.......I have decided the name." You should have seen his face. He wasn't very happy. I said, "I'm willing to give up my middle name." and with that he knew that he had won and that Zach's middle name was going to be David. No one knew we had agreed on any part of the name yet, but here was Lilly out in the waiting room telling everyone that we were naming the baby Zachary. How did she know when we only just knew about it? She is the one that picked out his first name. It went on the list as soon as she said it. Proud sister named her little brother.
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