So, this weekend was very eventful.
Friday, Lilly went with hubby's sister and her kids to see Rio. She liked it. I never heard of it. I don't watch that many commercials. Now that I have a DVR, I just skip them all. I hardly ever watch something that isn't recorded. Saturday there was an egg hunt at Lilly's school. There was going to be big inflatables there too, but the weather was bad. Later that day we went to hubby's sister's to color eggs so all the kids could do it together and we had a big cookout. I've eaten hot dogs all weekend.
We got caught out in the rain, and hail. It was crazy fun. For a short paragraph on that go to and read my last comment on that page. and read my last comment on that page.
Went home and colored more eggs...
Lilly enjoyed her Easter morning. She found all the eggs hidden around the house and she thought it was funny that Zach got baby food in his basket. I started him out on carrots last night. Next week we are moving to green beans. He liked the carrots. He didn't spit hardly any of it out. I'm still trying to get him use to the spoon. He is just now at the point where he will open his mouth for the spoon, sometimes, instead of me shoving it in.
Lilly got to play her new Just Dance Wii game. I did a short version of one song while hubby was in the shower. Its kinda fun.
We went to my mom's mom's house and EVERYONE was there. All of my cousins and their kids. The only ones that was missing was 3 of my brothers and my nephew. There are my grandma and grandpa and their 3 kids, then 11 grandkids, 10 great grandkids with one on the way. Zach is 3 months old and he isn't the youngest. One of my cousins had a little girl a couple weeks after Zach was born. My other cousin just got married and is pregnant. So the kids range from 8 or 9 all the way down to still in the tummy. My oldest brother's girlfriend was there with her 2 kids
We did an egg hunt there and ate some good food. Lilly wanted to hide the eggs instead of find them.
Then we headed off to my dad's mom's house. My brother that just 18 was there and the other brother that no one ever sees was there too. My 18 year old brother had to leave right after we got there to go to work, so we didn't really get to spend time with him. My uncle, dad, grandpa and other brother mostly stayed out in the building cleaning guns almost the whole time. Hubby played with Zach and Lilly and the other kids found the eggs I hid in the backyard. Kinda uneventful there. There's less people there. My step mom didn't come, but that's not unusual. I hardly ever see her anymore. My dad's parents... they have 2 kids and my dad is the only one out of them that has kids. Dad has 4 of us. My oldest brother has one kid and I have 2. That's it for the great grandkids on that side.
Today I get to work and I'm working away and then I get a phone call from a number I don't know. I answer...and its day care. I forgot to pack the formula. I had to leave work, go home, go to day care, give them his formula, and come back to work. Luckily I did it in about 45 minutes. Zach was conked out when I got there. I put him in this really cute romper hubby's mom got him for Easter. Its brown and is sleeveless, so it looks like he's showin off his muscles. I should have taken a pic. They had already taken him for a walk and I guess it wore him out.
Hopefully it'll be pretty when I get today so I can take the kids out for a walk or something. Lilly has a ball game tomorrow. Its been over 2 weeks since she has even been on a ball field. We got her a purple bat bag for Easter. She loved it.
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