Monday, May 9, 2011

The Day After

Saturday we went to see my grandma. We only stayed for about 45 mins, but in that short time I already had a headache. Then we went to visit mom. She wanted to go find some yard sales, so we drove around. Zach got fussy. He hates being in his car seat and I told her that, but she still wanted to go. He screamed and cried, I got aggravated. On our way back to drop mom off at her car, we stopped at a playground to let Lilly play and I fed Zach a bottle. We dropped off mom and went to see my second ex step dad. Two of my younger brothers were there. I haven't seen my youngest brother since February. My step dad held Zach for the first time. He wouldn't hold him while he was tiny, but he's a big boy now. I even weighed him on Saturday. 15.6 pounds and only 15 weeks old. So then we were getting ready to leave, as soon as I put Zach in his car seat he started screaming. I felt bad for him cuz he's been in that thing almost all day. He screamed for about 10 minutes and fell asleep. I called hubby to tell him we were on our way home. Lilly was asleep too. About 5 minutes after Zach fell asleep he started coughing and woke himself up....and he started screaming.... the rest of the way home....about 30 minutes. He didn't want his bottle, or a paci, or to play, or anything. I even pulled over and got him out of his car seat for a while and gave him gas drops, but he still screamed. We finally made it home and he stopped.
Sunday, Zach got me up at 5:00. He wasn't hungry, he just was ready to wake up. Lilly got up at 7:30, as soon as I got Zach to take a nap and was planning on taking one myself. I made her breakfast and she wanted to give me her Mother's Day stuff she made at school. Oh, on Friday she gave me a Marigold. So she hands me this white bag that she drew on, which is pretty. Inside is this house she colored and if you open the door there's a picture of her. There was also another picture of her in a frame that she decorated. I got her hand prints and a list of things she said she was going to help me with on Mother's Day. 1-Help mom feed Zach. 2-Help cook. 3-Help Clean. There was a paper with a sentence at the top "When my mom smiles I" and she had to finish it and she said, "am nice and not mean." Then there was this certificate thing that said something along the lines of -this certifies that this is the best mom because- and she had to finish the sentence and she said, "She gives me any food that I want to eat." That made me laugh. 9:00 we went to wake hubby up and Lilly gave me what she bought when he took her out on Friday. She got me a singing card and a picture frame. The plan was to put a picture of me and the kids in there, but one doesn't exist, so I just got the frame. I told them that we'll get a picture soon and put in there.
We then go to hubby's mom's house and cook out on the grill. It was an ok day. All I really wanted was rest, but I got the opposite. I am so exhausted today. My weekend was busy. My body actually hurts today from lack of sleep. I got to spend the day with my kids and that's all that matters. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day and you visited/called your mom if you could.
Oh, something that made me smile brother, Chris texted me Happy Mother's Day! That was pretty awesome!

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