Well..I'm sure I've talked about the drain in the basement that overflows when I run the dishwasher or do dishes in the sink or anything, right? I'm sure I have. Well... a couple nights ago there was a puddle downstairs in the basement and I didn't do dishes...so we have no idea what happened. We cleaned it up, but now I can't wash dishes until the pipe is re-routed, which hubby keeps saying that he's going to do soon. I'm at the point now where I can't cook because I have no clean dishes. I'm going to have to wash the dishes in the bathtub or just risk it and do them in the sink and hope the puddle doesn't get any bigger. I hope he works on it soon. He isn't going to dig up the floor or anything. There are some pipes that run along the ceiling in the basement and down the far wall so he's just going to connect it to that instead of the kitchen sink running to the pipe under the floor.
I walked 4.12 miles today for my lunch hour. It took me an hour and 6 minutes and I burned 495 calories! I'm very proud of myself. I walked from my work to the state capitol. I really didn't think my work was 2 miles away from the capitol. I made it there without any problems, but on the way back, my hips and back were hurting. I made it though!! Today I had a cinnamon roll for breakfast that was 410 calories and for lunch I had about a cup of rice a roni. I brought a spinach salad, but come to find out that the spinach was a bit more wilted than I originally thought. I'm going to Walmart tonight to pick up a few things. More salad stuff and some fruit. I hate to buy too much of it because it goes bad so quickly. Yesterday I had one of my days where I was so hungry and nothing filled me up.
I have a recipe for chicken cordon bleu for a crock pot that I'm really wanting to try out. Maybe I'll go ahead and get the stuff for that tonight too and fix it since the crock pot is clean.
Nothing new or exciting really to report on for the kids. Zach slept through the night 2 times in a row. Last night he only woke up once for a drink and a new diaper. Lilly was up because her nose was stuffy. I gave her medicine, but I guess it wasn't working well enough for her. She goes to her father's today and he's keeping her until Tuesday this time since there's no school on Monday. I'm going tomorrow to order hubby's Valentine's gift. I don't really want to do anything for Valentine's Day. I usually take the day after off work, but I'm taking the 22nd off because there's no day care that day.
I called Donavan for his birthday and he told me that he wants a big Nerf gun, so I'm going to get him that and a Ghost Adventures DVD set. He really likes that show, but sometimes he can't watch it.
So, I've been doing ok on my resolutions so far I think. I'm sticking to them. I'm doing crafts, losing weight, cooking new things, working on my patience...but I'm having trouble finding 'me' time. I guess I can count the times I go out walking. I go by myself. I'm not really relaxing, though. The 18th is my 'me' day. Lilly has school, but the bank is closed so I'm home. I'm sending Zach to day care and I'm spending the day alone. I'm probably going to end up eating McDonald's and sleeping... and renting a movie. Any suggestions? I still haven't seen Bridesmaids yet. I might get that. Hubby rented Here Comes The Boom with Kevin James in it. I love that man and the movie was cute, but a bit predictable.
The girls at work keep talking about books that I want to read. 4 of them are passing around the 3 book series by Gillian Flynn and now one girl is talking about Room..the #1 book on my list to read! So, my headphones have been in all day. I need to get these books on my Kindle and start reading them! I've been working on my Wizard of Oz series and I'm about halfway through the second one, but I really want to read these others books before they are ruined for me.
I worked on my children's books yesterday and got to about page 10. I think I'm being a bit too descriptive for it to be a kids book. I'm going to have to go back and shorten it a bit or aim for an older range of kids. I think I might try them out on Lilly first. If she likes them and can understand them then we are good to go, but if she has problems following the story then I have to rewrite.
A guy I work with found another job and his last day is tomorrow. We are throwing him a party and bringing food. I can't cook since my kitchen is broken, so I'm going to go pick up some cookies or something from a bakery. Just thinking about it makes me want a cookie. Its days like tomorrow that make my diet difficult.
I have finally discovered the fun of the Pandora app. I think I can delete my music app now. Pandora just eats up my battery really fast. I need to get a second phone charger and bring it to work.
Rambling now? Ok.. I'll stop....
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