Tonight and tomorrow night after Lilly's game, me and Lilly have a project we need to work on. Her little league parade is Satruday morning and I somehow volunteered myself to do the posters for the 'float.' The coach was telling me that the game for Saturday was canceled due to the parade that she just found out about. I asked her if we were decorating a truck or anything like we did last year. She said she didn't know, that if we wanted to she guessed it was ok. I told her that me and Lilly made some good posters last year for the t-ball team and she nodded her head and said, "Yeah... you can do that. I'll give you all the girls names and jersey numbers so you can make one for everyone." Ok...thanks.... I guess. I have already printed off some pictures that I'm going to use. Here's my idea so far. Its quick and easy. Cut out these pictures, more like clip art and stuff like that, give them a colorful backspash and glue to the middle of the poster board. Write girls name and number in bright marker. TA DA! I'm not going to extremes. I might add some other stuff, but it just depends. We still have the poster we made for t-ball. I think we did a very good job on that poster.
Still doing great on my diet. I kinda wish I had a diet buddy or a workout buddy or both. It would make this journey a bit easier and more fun. Yesterday it was just hard to push myself to keep going. Finally a girl got on the elliptical beside me and I quietly competed against her even though she didn't know it. It helped me finish my workout. I then moved to the treadmill, but I don't find that one too difficult to finish. I was thinking about going to the weight room today, but I can't track that on my app that I'm using. I can, but it doesn't add calories burned for strength training. I haven't been to the weight room just for this purpose. If I can't track it, i really don't want to do it. But I'm in need of a mix up and I need to go to the weight room. I've been lifting some weights at home, but I like the machines they have at the Y. I guess I will depend it all on whether or not there's a lot of people in the weight room. I don't really like to wait for a machine. If its crowded, I'll hit some more cardio. My knees are killing me today though and my feet still go numb on the elliptical. I don't know why.
I've been trying to read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and I just can't seem to get into it. Has anyone read this book? I bought the entire series on my Kindle and its just so boring to me. I'm only 3 chapters in though. Does it get better, or is it all this borning? Sometimes I try to read it while I'm on the treadmill. Seriously, though.... does it get better?
My step mom finally texted me last night to thank me for her flowers. I wasn't sure what to say other than she was welcome and that I was sorry I didn't stop to visit her at work, but Zach was crying and wouldn't stop.
I had a dream last night that Lilly was Zach's age. I was trying to potty train her. Weird.
Not much to really say. I got to hang out with my bff yesterday for the first time since she moved back. All we did was walk around the mall during my lunch hour. It felt a little awkward mostly because I didn't have anything to really talk about. Nothing really happens and I'm kind of a boring person. It made me really realize that I need a hobby or something. I work. I go home and tend to the kids, go to ball games, practices, do homework, cook, give baths then its bedtime and I do it all over again the next day. I don't really have time for much else, but I need something else. I don't know. Maybe I'll figure it out later.
What's my awesome thing for today? ** Hugs from kids** I love to get hugs from my kids. Zach is just now getting into it. He'll come running to you with his arms open wide and when he reaches you, he'll wrap his arms around you and lay his head on your shoulder. Lilly's only into night time and goodbye hugs now. She's too grown up to give me a hug just because.
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