Friday, September 9, 2011

Remember 9/11/01

The tenth anniversary of one of the biggest tragedies in the US is this Sunday September 11. It marks the day that terrorists hijacked 4 planes and crashed 2 into the World Trade Center, one into the side of the Pentagon and one went down in a field in Pennsylvania.
I was in English class my sophomore year in high school when it happened. Another teacher ran in our room and was screaming to us to turn on the tv. We all sat there and watched the first building burn. We all sat there and watched as the second airplane hit the second building. I will never forget that day. I hope you won't either. Even if you don't live in the USA, please just take a moment on Sunday to remember all the loved ones lost. Also, take the time this weekend to thank your local fire fighters and police for all they do. They were running into the buildings while everyone else was running out.
I also want to take this time to thank the American soldiers for fighting everyday for my and my family and friends safety.

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